To: Residential care facilities (Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities, Group Homes, and Intermediate Care Facilities)
 From: HFEMS Residential Care Strike Team
 Thank you again for your patience and cooperation during the transition to MAKO, CSU, and the state lab for COVID-19 surveillance testing. This message provides an update on the resumption timeline for normal surveillance testing guidelines. 
The Residential Care Strike Team will continue to provide outbreak and technical assistance through next week, February 12, 2021. At the conclusion of next week, health facility inspectors will resume inspecting for all aspects of PHO 20-20, including a testing plan. The residential care strike team, Mako labs, and the state lab will continue to respond to questions and inquiries even after that date. 
Mako Surveillance Testing:
State Lab Testing:
If you are partnered with CSU, please continue to communicate with them as you have in the past. 
 If you are unsure of your laboratory partner, please contact the
We also want to remind you that all current surveillance testing guidelines remain in place after all staff and residents have received both doses of the vaccine.