Code of Colorado Regulations (

14.1.5 A completed health record shall be maintained on every resident from the time of
admission through the time of discharge. All health records shall contain:
(1) Identification and summary sheet that includes:
(a) resident’s name, health record number, social security number, marital
status, age, race, home address, date of birth, place of birth, religion,
occupation, name of informant and other available identifying
sociological data (country of citizenship, father’s name, mother’s maiden
name, military service, if any, and dates),
(b) name, address, and telephone number of referral source,
(c) name, address, and telephone number of attending physician and
(d) name of next of kin or other responsible person,
(e) date and time of admission and discharge,
(f) admitting diagnosis, final diagnosis(es), condition on discharge, and
disposition, and
(g) attending physician’s signature.