Resident TB Screening

TB Testing Recommendations in LTC – docShepherd

TB: Health care personnel screening | Department of Public Health & Environment (

TB Screening and Testing of Health Care Personnel | TB | CDC

My interpretation of the CDPHE guidance is 

  • TB test + screen on admission to LTC
  • After that….
  • TB test for those exposed or with symptoms.
  • There is no need for yearly TB testing after admission unless there are symptoms or TB exposure.  
  • There is NO requirement for screening of established individual patients with a yearly TB test or form.
  • Some facilities do a facility risk assessment. If anyone in the facility has had potential exposure to TB, they contact public health and consider an appropriate testing strategy.

Healthcare Personnel TB Screening

All U.S. health care personnel should be screened for TB upon hire (i.e., preplacement). The local health department should be notified immediately if TB disease is suspected. Annual TB testing of health care personnel is not recommended unless there is a known exposure or ongoing transmission.

TB Screening and Testing of Health Care Personnel | TB | CDC

Respiratory Protection Program Reimbursement.

You can have facilities contact the Project Firstline Team at or contact Samantha Weiss at directly for further questions or to resend a facility specific link. 

Respiratory Protection Program Information

*TB stages image referenced from The Spectrum of Tuberculosis and Why It Matters | Microbiology Community (