Shingles: Preventing VZV in Healthcare Settings | CDC

Immunization of healthcare personnel CDC

Communicable Disease Program

El Paso County Public Health 

1675 W. Garden of the Gods Rd. | Colorado Springs, CO 80907 

Cell: (719) 396-5050 | Fax: (719) 575-8955 | 24/7 After Hours: (719) 235-2278 

Management of Health Care Personnel WITH Herpes Zoster

  • Localized herpes zoster in an immunocompetent person
  • Cover lesions and restrict from care of high-risk patients (i.e., patients who are susceptible to varicella and at increased risk for complications of varicella, including neonates, pregnant women, and immunocompromised persons of any age) until all lesions are dry and scabbed.
  • If lesions cannot be completely covered, exclude from duty until all lesions are dry and scabbed.
  • Disseminated herpes zoster OR localized herpes zoster in an immunocompromised person.
  • Exclude from duty until all lesions are dry and scabbed.

Management of Healthcare Personnel EXPOSED to Someone with Herpes Zoster

  • Healthcare personnel who have one or more documented doses of varicella vaccine or other evidence of immunity
  • Do not need post-exposure prophylaxis.
  • Do not need work restrictions.
  • Healthcare personnel who are not vaccinated or do not have other evidence of immunity to varicella.
  • Are considered susceptible to VZV infection and are potentially infectious from the 8th day after the first exposure through the 21st day of their last exposure.
  • Should be furloughed or reassigned to locations remote from patient care while potentially infectious.
  • Should receive post exposure vaccination or varicella zoster immune globulin if they are at rick for severe disease and varicella vaccination is contraindicated (e.g., pregnant healthcare personnel).