As the map below shows, it doesn’t get much worse for influenza (and RSV) in Colorado.  Well, I hope not anyway. We have upticks in Influenza, COVID, and RSV all occurring at the same time.  I have several patients with both COVID and Influenza and they are pretty sick. 
  • Stressed Hospitals
  • You can still vaccinate for COVID and Influenza !! It’s not too late. 
  • Tamiflu shortage — save it for treating patients and limit its use for prophylaxis.
  • N95 masks work better than surgical masks to protect against Influenza, COVID, RSV. I’ll be wearing one until this surge of viral nastiness has past (~6 weeks I hope).
  • The circulating Influenza strains are Influenza A H3N2 (nastiest strain) and Influenza A N1H1.   
  • We actually made a good guess at which virus strains to use for the Flu Vaccine this year….SCARY!!
See details below. 
CDC Map and Key Points

Colorado CDPHE Data