MOST Program Overview

The Medical Orders for Scope of Treatment (MOST) form is a 1-page, 2-sided document that consolidates and summarizes patient preferences for key life-sustaining treatments: CPR, medical interventions and artificially administered nutrition. The program was established by legislation (C.R.S. 18.7) in Colorado in 2010.

  • The MOST decision-making process and resulting medical orders are intended for patients who are considered to be at risk for a life-threatening clinical event because they have a serious life-limiting medical condition, which may include advanced frailty.
  • The MOST form is completed by a health care professional in conversation with a patient or authorized health care agent, then signed by the patient/agent and a physician, advanced practice nurse (APN), or physician’s assistant (PA).
  • The physician/APN/PA signature translates patient preferences into medical orders.
  • The MOST form “travels” with the patient and must be honored in any setting: hospital, clinic, day surgery, long-term care facility, hospice, or at home. The original is often brightly colored for easy identification, but photocopies, faxes, and electronic scans are also valid.
  • The MOST form is always voluntary. Per C.R.S. 15-18.7-108, a healthcare facility shall not require a person to have executed a MOST form as a condition of being admitted to, or receiving medical treatment from, the healthcare facility.
  • The MOST form is endorsed as part of the National POLST Program. Please visit the National POLST website for details and program contacts.

The MOST program was previously hosted by the Colorado Advance Directives Consortium (CADC). To read the host change announcement, click here

MOST Program and Resources


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