Decision Tree for Falls

Plan of Action for a Fall

Fall Interventions List

Forms for Fall Evaluations

Fall Risk Scores

I don’t find these to be very helpful. Fifty percent of those is a nursing home will fall each year and of those an estimated 30% will fall more than twice. We are starting with a high-risk group and deciphering those likely to fall among that high-risk group is difficult. I do think that having a framework, checklists, and processes to evaluate falls is useful.

Fall Risk Assessment Scales: A Systematic Literature Review – PMC – docShepherd

The Hendrich II Fall Model program outlines 8 factors that are involved in a significant number of falls. It’s a nice reminder for what to initially consider during a fall evaluation.

Hendrich II Fall Risk Model® (

AHRQ Fall Management Program

The Falls Management Program: A Quality Improvement Initiative for Nursing Facilities | Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (